TERAM enhances the performance of your cardboard and laminated box packaging by providing the most up-to-date packaging efficiency upgrade solutions.

The Most Up-to-Date Packaging Efficiency Upgrade Solutions

We have made it possible to upgrade the performance of your cardboard and laminated box packaging with packaging efficiency upgrade solutions at the largest and most equipped printing and packaging facility in Iran

The Importance of Implementing Packaging Performance Upgrade Solutions

Today, packaging is a combination of knowledge, skill, technology, and the art of differentiation that plays a significant role in the positioning of product brands in the market. Therefore, manufacturers from various industries are looking for a supplier who can provide them with boxes that are distinct from what buyers typically see on store shelves. Utilizing packaging efficiency upgrade solutions in offering cardboard boxes and laminated cartons requires not only modern machinery, equipment, and technologies but also creativity, innovation, and attention to detail, which we at TERAM have successfully provided to our clients, effectively meeting their specific needs.

TERAM has been able to offer packaging efficiency upgrade solutions to its clients by using modern machinery and creativity.
With a unique array of the necessary hardware and software, TERAM has succeeded in creating differentiation in packaging performance upgrade solutions.

How has TERAM been able to create differentiation in packaging efficiency upgrade solutions?

Having a unique array of the necessary hardware and software to enhance the performance of our clients’ boxes has made us the top choice for packaging suppliers among manufacturers who value efficiency, elegance, attractiveness, and quality in their boxes. The following are just a part of TERAM Group’s capabilities in providing packaging efficiency upgrade solutions and printing and packaging effects to various industries.

  • The Most Equipped and Up-to-Date Design Studio for Printing and Packaging in the Country

  • Advanced and diverse pre-press and post-press equipment and technology

  • Creative and specialized human resources

To learn more about the special services of the TERAM Design Studio and to implement your creative packaging ideas, please visit the following page.

Shelf-Ready Boxes

Shelf-Ready Boxes (Shelf Ready) are one of the packaging efficiency upgrade solutions designed for the ease of arranging products on store shelves. These boxes reduce the risk of damage to small products during shelving in stores, increase the chances of the product being seen at the point of contact with the final consumer, and also facilitate transportation. Shelf-ready packaging, also known as retail-ready packaging, is referred to by manufacturers as point-of-purchase packaging or countertop displays. It is a packaging performance upgrade solution that makes it easier for retailers to get products onto shelves and into the hands of end consumers more quickly.

Advantages of Shelf-Ready Boxes:

  • Increased visibility of products and brands on the shelf

  • Serving as a guide for buyers

  • Reduced risk of product damage during shelving

  • The possibility of eliminating master corrugated packaging

  • Greater choice for the end consumer (single or bundled product purchase), resulting in increased sales

  • Improved efficiency and, consequently, reduced costs

At TERAM, we can provide our customers with a different quality of cardboard and laminated Shelf-Ready boxes. With the use of microflutes and printing effects on laminated boxes, expect unique shelf-ready boxes from TERAM.

Shelf-Ready Boxes or Shelf Ready Packaging (SRP) are boxes designed and produced in such a way that they require no opening by retailers.
Window Patching is a packaging performance upgrade solution that allows products to be displayed from within the box.

Window Patching

Viewing the product inside the packaging without the need to open it fosters trust and assurance regarding the authenticity of the item for end consumers. Window Patching is a packaging performance upgrade solution at TERAM that allows you to enhance the visibility of your products, especially luxury and decorative items, by using transparent films in the structure of cardboard and laminated boxes, all while keeping the box closed in front of customers.

Punching Scoring Technique: Another Innovation from TERAM Group

The use of double-sided and triple-sided films in cardboard and laminated boxes is one of the packaging performance upgrade solutions we offer at TERAM. This distinctive technique can significantly enhance the brand position of a product in the market, considering its role in showcasing cosmetic and hygiene products, food industry items, and other sectors without the need to open the box. These types of windows provide end consumers with the opportunity to see your product exactly as it is before unboxing, which in turn helps build credibility and trust in your brand and paves the way for an engaging user experience. This unique technique is highly popular among top brands for cosmetic packaging, as well as pharmaceutical products and dietary supplements packaging worldwide. At TERAM, we deliver this packaging efficiency upgrade solution using advanced, high-speed machinery and technology.

The Punching Scoring technique is a packaging performance upgrade solution that utilizes double-sided and triple-sided films in cardboard and laminated boxes, allowing products to be displayed from within the box without the need to open it.
The use of Inner Partitions is a packaging performance upgrade solution that reduces production costs, captures more attention, and enhances ease of use.

Using Inner Partitions tailored to your product’s needs

Offering multiple products in a single package or partitioning the packaging for different components of a product is one of the packaging efficiency upgrade solutions that applies in the following cases:

  • Promotional Campaigns

  • Creating a Unique User Experience

  • Protection of the Different Components of a Product

  • Cost Reduction by Eliminating Multi-Layer Packaging

The use of Inner Partitions, which facilitates the assembly and arrangement of multiple different products in a single box, is performed at TERAM using high-speed and high-quality machinery. We offer a wide variety of packaging performance improvement solutions to enhance customer satisfaction and increase the efficiency of their product packaging.

All printing and packaging effects and coatings that are common worldwide can be implemented at TERAM.

TERAM’s capabilities and expertise in printing effects and packaging performance improvement solutions for your products are countless. Differentiating in enhancing the visibility and efficiency of packaging is our specialty, and we have always been at the forefront of achieving this goal.

TERAM's experts and consultants are here to assist you with printing and packaging services.

We are here to answer your questions

Request advice from our specialists on selecting packaging efficiency upgrade solutions for your boxes.