Download the product and packaging services catalog of the TERAM Group

TERAM Catalogs

Please refer to the catalogs below for a more comprehensive overview of our services

the TERAM General Catalog

Learn about the most equipped and largest printing and packaging company in the Middle East

To learn more about TERAM Group's printing and packaging products and services, download the TERAMGeneral Catalog
The TERAM Group has the first machine with inline lamination technology in Iran. Download the TERAM Litho-laminate Catalog

TERAM Litho-laminate Catalog

Key Features and Benefits of TERAM Laminated Boxes

TERAM Quality Control Laboratory Catalog

Discover the Key Measurable Qualitative and Quantitative Packaging Indicators at TERAM

Download TERAM’s Quality Control (QC) Catalog
Access the TERAM Packaging Structures and Layouts Catalog for comprehensive information

TERAM Packaging Structures Catalog

Explore the wide range of packaging structures that can be produced at TERAM.

TERAM’s team of experts and consultants is fully equipped to support you with your printing and packaging needs

We are here to address your inquiries

To maximize the value of TERAM’s services and select the ideal solution to upgrade your packaging, we are ready to engage in a detailed consultation.